Escaping the Drama: Rediscovering the Simplicity of Middle School

As we navigate through the complexities of adulthood, it’s not uncommon to yearn for the simplicity of our middle school days. The drama that often accompanies adult life can be overwhelming, leading us to reminisce about a time when life seemed less complicated. But was middle school really as drama-free as we remember? And if so, how can we recapture that simplicity in our current lives? Let’s delve into these questions and explore ways to escape the drama and rediscover the simplicity of middle school.

Was Middle School Really Drama-Free?

While it’s true that middle school didn’t involve the same level of complexity as adult life, it wasn’t entirely devoid of drama. There were still conflicts with friends, academic pressures, and the beginnings of romantic relationships. However, these issues often seemed less overwhelming because they were new and we were still learning how to navigate them. As adults, we’ve had more experiences and therefore more opportunities for drama to arise.

Why Does Adult Life Seem More Complicated?

As we grow older, our responsibilities increase. We have jobs, bills to pay, relationships to maintain, and perhaps even children to raise. These responsibilities can create stress and drama. Additionally, we’re more aware of the world around us and the problems that exist, which can add to our sense of overwhelm.

How Can We Recapture the Simplicity of Middle School?

While we can’t turn back time, there are ways to bring some of the simplicity of middle school into our adult lives. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Limit your exposure to negativity. This could mean spending less time on social media, avoiding gossip, or distancing yourself from drama-prone individuals.

  • Focus on the present. Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, try to stay present and enjoy the moment.

  • Practice self-care. This can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

  • Seek support when needed. Whether it’s from a therapist, a trusted friend, or a support group, don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you’re feeling overwhelmed.


While it’s natural to yearn for the simplicity of our middle school days, it’s important to remember that every stage of life comes with its own challenges and rewards. By taking steps to reduce drama and focus on the positive, we can bring a sense of simplicity and peace into our adult lives.