Discover the Irresistible Delights of Anarsa: A Rice-Based Sweet Dish Filled with Mawa and Exquisitely Garnished with Sesame Seeds

India, a country known for its diverse culture and rich culinary heritage, offers a plethora of mouth-watering delicacies that are an integral part of its festivals and celebrations. One such irresistible delight is Anarsa, a traditional sweet dish made from rice, filled with mawa (a type of condensed milk), and exquisitely garnished with sesame seeds. This sweet treat, with its unique texture and flavor, is a staple during festive occasions, particularly in the states of Bihar, Maharashtra, and Jharkhand. Let’s delve deeper into the world of Anarsa and discover its charm.

What is Anarsa?

Anarsa is a sweet dish that is primarily made from soaked and ground rice. The rice is fermented for a few days, then mixed with jaggery or sugar to create a dough. This dough is then filled with mawa or khoya (a type of condensed milk), shaped into discs, and finally garnished with sesame seeds before being deep-fried to perfection. The result is a crispy exterior with a soft, sweet, and milky interior that melts in your mouth.

What is the significance of Anarsa?

Anarsa holds a special place in Indian culture and is often associated with joyous occasions and festivals. It is particularly popular during Diwali, the festival of lights, where it is prepared as a part of the traditional sweets offered to deities and shared among family and friends. The sweet is believed to bring prosperity and is a symbol of sweetness and joy in celebrations.

How to make Anarsa?

Making Anarsa is a labor of love and requires some preparation. Here is a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Soak the rice in water for about three days, changing the water daily.
  2. Drain the water and grind the rice into a fine powder.
  3. Mix the rice powder with jaggery or sugar to form a dough.
  4. Prepare the mawa by simmering milk until it reduces to a thick, creamy consistency.
  5. Shape the dough into small discs, fill them with mawa, and seal the edges.
  6. Garnish the discs with sesame seeds and deep fry them in ghee (clarified butter) until golden brown.

What are the variations of Anarsa?

While the traditional Anarsa is filled with mawa and garnished with sesame seeds, there are several variations of this sweet dish. Some recipes use coconut or dry fruits as a filling, while others may use honey or syrup as a sweetener instead of jaggery or sugar. Regardless of the variation, the essence of Anarsa remains the same – a delightful sweet treat that brings joy to any celebration.

In conclusion, Anarsa is more than just a sweet dish. It is a symbol of Indian culture and tradition, a treat that brings families together, and a delight that adds sweetness to every celebration. So, the next time you have a craving for something sweet, why not try making some Anarsa?